Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al 7075 alloy processed by differential speed rolling


  • Kristóf Bobor
  • Zoltán Hegedűs
  • Jenő Gubicza
  • István Barkai
  • Péter Pepper
  • György Krállics


Al 7075 alloy was equal and differential speed rolled according to various deformation routes. In these routes the sheets were rotated around different axes between subsequent passes of rolling. The mechanical properties and the microstructure of the specimens processed by various routes were compared. It was found that while the strength values were irrespective of the rolling routes, the ductility depends strongly on the deformation method. The differences in the mechanical behavior were explained by the edge/screw character in the dislocation structure.


aluminium alloys, nanostructured materials, mechanical characterization, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Bobor, K., Hegedűs, Z., Gubicza, J., Barkai, I., Pepper, P., Krállics Gy. “Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al 7075 alloy processed by differential speed rolling”, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 56(2), pp. 111–115, 2012. https://doi.org/10.3311/pp.me.2012-2.06


