Create a Rigid and Safe Grid-Like Structure
The failure of the building is not the consequence of the not strong enough elements of the structure in the majority of the cases, but the bracing elements inappropriate places. We consider a 4 × 4 and 4 × 5 braced frames to understand the connections between the lateral stiffnesses, and bracing graph to achieve the stiffest and the more safety design. In our consideration, we study those relationships that based on our frame using their finite element analyses and some new result in optimizations of structural design. We offer some conclusions, including perspectives and future developments in the rigidity of scaffolds and tall building as symmetrical and grid-like bar-joint frameworks.
braced scaffolding, n-story building, the safety of the structure, kinematics of braced structurePublished Online
How to Cite
Kovács, A., Nagy Kem Gy. “Create a Rigid and Safe Grid-Like Structure”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 63(2), pp. 338–351, 2019.
Research Article